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Great American West Adventure

Colorado Springs Balloon Festival- September 2017


We aren't picking the RV up for a couple of days, so we rented a car and drove down to Colorado Springs (about an hour and  a half south of Denver) to a hot air balloon festival.

Officially called the "Labor Day Lift Off " (LDLO), the festival has been held for over 40 years in Colorado Springs. First thing in the morning, the balloons come to life during the morning lift off. There is a mass balloon lift off.

​At dusk, the balloons all turn their burners on for what they call "The Glow".

Pretty spectacular.

On the drive down to Colorado Springs, we saw a bunch of interesting sights along the way including Castle Rock (which is castle tower-shaped butte),  a distant view of Pikes Peak (which is the highest summit of the southern Front Range of the Rocky Mountain at 14,115 feet in elevation).

360°  Spherical Panorama

beachcombing is an attitude, an expressive metaphor for reality, an attraction and adventure, that ranges from the eager inquisitiveness of youth to the more philosophical approach that comes from gaining and spending, and being spent, by the fortunes of life, like the flotsam and jetsam along the shore.

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