Great American West Adventure
September 2017
Kate and Sue and I are taking a trip! We are going to Sue's cousin's wedding in Victor, Idaho. We are starting in Denver, Colorado and are going to visit some National Parks and other attractions in Colorado and Wyoming. In an RV!!
Cue Lindsey Buckingham singing "Holiday Road".
This page will take you to the descriptions and pictures of the places we visited.
We will be literally criss-crossing Colorado and Wyoming while dipping our toes into Idaho and Montana. You can read about some of our trip planning here.
I will be noting the elevation of many of the places we visit. As you read those elevations, take note that Virginia's Mount Rogers (the tallest mountain in Virginia) is 5,729 feet high and the elevation in Norfolk is 7 feet. #lifeatsealevel
Apologies in advance for the massive number of pictures this trip is bound to produce. #SorryNotSorry
At the bottom, you can see a map of the places we plan to visit.
Stay tuned .......