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You Might Be a Kayaker If…
1.    You can’t drive by a body of water without looking for a put-in.
2.   You can identify make and model of a car topped kayak from a quarter mile away.
3.   You divide your life into kayaking days and working days.
4.   You don’t have any space in your garage because it’s full of paddling gear.
5.   You buy new clothes not by how good they look but by how fast they’ll dry.
6.   The roof of your car has tan lines.
7.   You buy a car based on its ability to transport a kayak.
8.   You keep your kayak on your car so you don’t forget where you parked.
9.   You have used your kayak as a sled or in the front yard during a hurricane.
10. You wonder why car makers put the radio antenna sticking up on top of a car when that’s where the kayak goes.
11.  Every time you want a snack you have to dig out one of your “dry sacks.”
12. You know the difference between a PFD and a PDF.
13. Every time you’re out paddling you compare equipment and modification ideas with others.
14. You buy a “pool noodle” every time you go to Walmart.
15. Your car door has kayak dings and your kayak has car door dings.
16. Your paddle hangs on your living room wall.
17. You’re old friends with a great blue heron.
18. You’re all dressed up and don’t notice you’re being rained on.

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