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Saturday, June 27, 2020 - Bob's Fishing Hole - Northwest River


Today, Kate and Sue and I all went to Bob's Fishing Hole to paddle. Temps were predicted to get into the lower 90s, so we got there in the morning to beat some of the heat. Bob's is on 168 right before the North Carolina state line. As we approached the turn, you never would have known that we were in the midst of a global pandemic. There was a long line of cars coming up from the Outer Banks. Hope everyone down there is exercising safe physical distancing practices.


Bob's is usually pretty busy with powerboat traffic at the ramp, but they also have a small area along the bank to launch kayaks. So we were able to avoid the main traffic area. New to Bob's, however, is a station renting paddleboards and kayaks. They were pretty busy, but we were able to avoid getting near them too.


Bob's is cool because if you turn right from the launch area, you can go under a railroad bridge that is over 100 years old. The tracks there are still in service. But the bridge is low so no big boats can go on that side. We also passed under the two 168 bridges which have LOTS of barn swallow nests under them.


Once we got passed all the bridges and turned north on the creek, we were completely alone. We saw lots of dragonflies and some herons. We also saw a HUGE Bald Eagle that flew slowly in front of us. And on the way back, there were a bunch of cool cloud formations.


The temps were warm but there was a slight breeze and the water was comfortable, so it was a great day on the water.



3 hours and 4.1 miles on the GPS. Scroll below the pictures to see the track map.


GoPro video to follow.

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