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Sunday, August 12, 2012 - Pungo Ferry Road - North Landing River South


We launched from Old Pungo Ferry Road.  The water was really high ... attributed most likely to the winds from the south pushing the water up.  It was very cloudy (although that didn't stop my legs from getting sunburn) but it never did rain while we were on the water.

Before we went on our adventure, Kate took Bonnaroo for a short spin in her kayak to see how she liked it.  I'm happy to report that it went fairly well and Kate did not end up on the water.  :) 

We then continued on (without Bonnaroo) and went south under the bridge and down the North Landing River.  There was about a 10 mph wind coming from the south so it was into our faces.  But we tucked into the oxbow past the bridge and the water was a little calmer in there.  We saw a few boats pulling wakeboarders. 

Then we tucked into a smaller creek where it was very calm.  We looked for a couple of geocaches, but came up empty on those.   We talked to a very nice older couple who were fishing from a little pier at the very end of the creek.

We came back out into the oxbow and cut through a little creek on the way back to the main river.  We found a geocache on the way through there.

Then we crossed the main river and went down to the mouth of Blackwater Creek.  We found a geocache in a tree right there at the confluence.  We went up Blackwater Creek a little bit and then went up a cut ditch heading north.  The cut ditch was calm but about halfway up the area became very stinky!  Lots of swamp gases.  DON'T LIGHT A MATCH!  :)

We came back around a natural creek and back out into the main river.  We spotted a Coast Guard Defender-class response boat coming at full speed up the river.  They stopped periodically at various of the powerboats on the river.  I'm assuming they were doing random safety checks.  They didn't stop us (despite my "Living Like a Pirate" flag).  :)

If you watch the video or look at the pictures, you will see the clouds getting very dark and thick toward the end of the trip.

Exactly 3 hours on the water.  6.1 miles on the GPS. 

Click here for the video.

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