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Sunday, August 26, 2018 - Tull Creek near Sligo, NC - Poyners Road

I decided to drive down past Moyock, NC and launch from the ramp on Poyners Road. The weather forecast was for it to be a warmer than yesterday, but the humidity was still down. This launch is a typical North Carolina concrete ramp with parking for about a dozen vehicles.

I headed northwest up the creek exploring little side creeks as I went.

The scenery was absolutely spectacular. Calm with no wind for the most part with a nice, fluffy cloud-filled sky. This made for some unreal reflections. Just brilliant.  There was not much boat traffic out, so it was almost completely quiet for most of the paddle. But I did just a nice splash on my bow from the wake of passing boat near the end of the paddle.

I didn't see a whole lot of birds, surprisingly. There were a few ducks that got rousted as I passed on two different occasions. And I briefly saw Henry, the great blue heron, once. But he wasn't close enough for me to get a good picture.

This was a nice, calm peaceful paddle.  Exceptional scenery and perfect weather.


2 hours and 30 minutes on the water and 4.1 miles on the GPS. Scroll below the pictures to see the track map.

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