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Sunday, September 27, 2020 - Poyner's Road - Moyock, NC


Yesterday, it was raining on and off, so I decided to go kayaking today instead. I drove down to Moyock, North Carolina to a small boat ramp/park just off Route 168. The parking lot is fairly small, but the boaters seem to do a good job of staying organized.


The water level was really high. You can see on the boat ramp how it is all the way up to docks. Fortunately for me, the high water made it super easy to launch right from the grassy bank.


It was overcast when I left home, but by the time I got on the water, the clouds parted a bit and I was able to get some great cloud reflections. The water was mostly very calm ... perfect for reflections. Otherwise, the weather was perfect for paddling today. Temps in the upper 70s. Low humidity. Calm. Sunny with just enough cloud cover.


We are just starting to see the early signs of some leaves starting to change color. In particular, the dogwoods have a nice red color. And I am always amazed at the brilliant colors that poison ivy (which is prevalent on the trees) has this time of year. :)


This location never seems to disappoint on providing spectacular scenery. And today was no different. Just amazing. 


What's interesting about this location is that there never seem to be birds here. Very strange. I did see a few turtles. And of course, dragonflies that landed on my kayak.


Such a great day on the water.



2 hours 20 minutes on the water and 4.1 miles on the GPS. Scroll below the pictures to see the track map.

kayaking 09-27-2020 track map.jpg
kayaking 09-27-2020 track aerial map.jpg
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