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Savage Neck Dunes Preserve

October 2016

On my way back from Chincoteague, I stopped by Savage Neck Dunes Natural Area Preserve. The preserve is about 3 miles north of Cape Charles, VA on the Bay side. The preserve is 298 acres and has a mile of absolutely pristine beach and is noted for its unusual Bay side dunes. It is an important bird habitat. The dunes are thought to be 10,000 years old.

If you live in the 757 and enjoy beach walks, you should add this location to your list of places to visit. You won't come across it by accident. As the man I spoke to on the beach (who lives locally) said, you have to "want" to come here. It's about 5 miles from Lankford Highway (Route 13) and then from the parking area (which only holds 4 or 5 cars), it's a half mile hike through the woods (fairly easy terrain) and over the sandy dunes (sometimes very soft) to the beach. But the payoff is well, well worth it.

beachcombing is an attitude, an expressive metaphor for reality, an attraction and adventure, that ranges from the eager inquisitiveness of youth to the more philosophical approach that comes from gaining and spending, and being spent, by the fortunes of life, like the flotsam and jetsam along the shore.

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