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Great American West Adventure

Victor, Idaho - Moose Creek Ranch - September 2017


Sue's cousin Levi's wedding was held at Moose Creek Ranch in Victor, Idaho. Victor is just over the state line from Wyoming and just over the mountain from Jackson. In fact their tagline is "Just Over the Hill From Jackson Hole."

What a beautiful venue and backdrop for a wedding.

We drove from Jackson to the ranch via the Jackson Pass. It's a pretty windy and steep mountain road, but Sue navigated the RV over it like an expert. Still a bit scary.

Once we got to the ranch (down an unpaved gravel road), we observed blue sky. We haven't seen a blue sky in a week. And the weather was perfect.

We set up the RV and then relaxed.  Sue was able to catch up with her relatives ... some whom she had not seen in a while. Everyone her was super nice. Some people drove up in RVs and others are staying in the various cabins on the ranch.

I set my camera up on a continuous 30 second exposure and was able to capture some star trails. The second night I set the GoPro up on a nightlapse to try to capture the stars. I got a few stars but the clouds and Moon came in and covered the sky which created a cool effect.

This morning I walked east down the road back the the state line. I walked to Wyoming!! Right at the state line, Moose Creek crosses the road.

Victor: Elevation: 6,214′ Population: 2,055

Next, we head to Yellowstone National Park.

beachcombing is an attitude, an expressive metaphor for reality, an attraction and adventure, that ranges from the eager inquisitiveness of youth to the more philosophical approach that comes from gaining and spending, and being spent, by the fortunes of life, like the flotsam and jetsam along the shore.

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